Stick this constipation Relief Pad to Your Navel Every 12 Hours
Easy to Use Fast Effect without Side Effect
Before using this miracle constipation relief pad, you need to know below point:
Point cv 8, which is your navel.
Below photo may help you understand more:
How to use it:
1. Clean and shave your navel area, so you are able to easily apply the herbal pad.
2. Put your herbal
pad onto your navel (which is CV8),
replace the herbal pad every 12-24hours.
3. If
you have an ich simply remove the pad and then re-apply
later on.
4. Adult stick is one piece to the navel
change every 12 to 24 hours
How long do you need to use:
Most people (99%) use 2pcs and will be fine, with no constipation and discomfort any more, 1% may need use another 2pcs. For weight loss you need use it 40pcs to 80pcs plus diet control with exercise.
Don't use the product on injure skin
and please don't use it if you have a skin allergy.
We are not responsible of any problem caused by using this products when using on injured skin
or when you have skin allergy.